Monday, March 11, 2013

Douglas Adams, ICONS, and elephants

Margaret Stohl, who co-authored the Beautiful Creatures series with Kami Garcia, has a new series hitting bookshelves in May.  Icons is about...the future? teens fighting to discover the truth while getting swoony about one another?  possibly aliens? 

Whatevs, here's the trailer.
Blarg. Or maybe I'll just watch reruns of the X-Files. I'm not excited guys, but maybe you are, so there you go.

Image credit:
You know what IS exciting?  Today would have been Douglas Adams's 61st birthday.  Okay, so that particular fact is sad, because the man died way too young, but we can still be excited about all the great books he wrote in his lifetime.  Even if you are not a sci-fi fan, you have to appreciate Adams's advocacy for endangered species.  He would be very unhappy about what is happening to these elephants.


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