Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today and Everyday

On the other hand, I love Valentines Day. I love it so much.

I like good love. Romantic love and platonic love and familial love that defies logic. I like angst and the gut wrenching heartache. I like watching people dance, and falling in love with them even if I don't know them. I like how when we made scratch off valentines here in the Teen Room yesterday you guys really stepped up for love -- for boyfriends, girlfriends, crushes, moms, friends, best friends, best friends forever and platonic life partners. Totally worth getting out the construction paper once a year. Cut those hearts.

So, in honor of this holiday that I like way more than any grown woman should, let me present the only thing that never fails to make me swoon. Duckie Dale 4 EVA.

Keep being sweet to each other, guys. You're doing a great job. <3


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