Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Hey CRLS 10th graders!  This Thursday we'll be talking about Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.  You know, the book y'all are required to read by the time school starts?

Credit: Ellen Forney 2007
You are so lucky, because this book has everything!  It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will make you brave.  For a real treat I suggest listening to Mr. Alexie read it.

Like the book says: if you aren't excited about books, you have been thinking about books the wrong way.

If that still hasn't motivated you, here's a little reverse psychology: plenty of people out there DON'T want you to read this bookThey think it's inappropriateThey think you can't handle it.

See how much there is to talk about?  Come join us on Thursday, August 9 at 2:00.  There will be snacks and a movie after.


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