Monday, October 24, 2011

The Civil War: Lots of war, not so civil

I am so super excited, because on Saturday, November 5 we are hosting one of New England's largest Civil War reenactment groups right here on the front lawn, yo!

Do you know what that means?  Epic mustaches!  In fact, to do it justice, I must spell that moustaches.

Let's take a look at some of 'em:

Holy smokes, people, this is going to be so rad!  Events include a vintage baseball game, a Civil War era fashion show, a Day in the Life of a Civil War soldier...and possibly hardtack!  We can only hope.  So fiddle-dee-dee your way on over here next weekend and check it out.

p.s. I just want to point out that if Jasper Cullen had really been throwing down during this particular American conflict, he would have been sporting one of these bad boys when he became a vampire.  Poseur.